12 novembre 2006

Les bonnes nouvelles ne viennent jamais seules.

Dans la Gazette d'aujourd'hui, Norman Webster y va à son tour d'une poignée de compliments. C'est une copine de Kyoto, une charmante grande blonde, qui nous a téléphoné ce matin pour nous lire cette jolie pièce:

"On to the always-impressive Stephane Dion. No one will ever call him Stevey or ask him to disrobe. Nor does he face accusations of charisma - less of a handicap when your opponent is Stephen Harper.

Dion is a serious guy. An evening's dinner chat about the constitution a few years ago brought the dreadful realization: Yikes, he really likes this stuff.

He's refreshingly unconcerned about popularity. At a time, just over a decade ago, when Quebec independence seemed close to unstoppable, there was Dion doing the heavy lifting for federalism - day after day, TV panel after phone-in show, making the case for his country while a lot of guys with Order of Canada pins on their lapels were keeping their heads down.

Not long ago, speaking to the Globe and Mail, he declared: "My first goal is not to get people's love. It is to get their respect. The love will follow." What a credo for a politician."

Norman Webster

Ça, je suis sûre que ça fait du bien à notre candidat.

La présidente

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